
How can you reach Amabilité ?


From Utrecht is 825 km . to Journet , via Paris , head towards Bordeaux and follow the A3 / A10 signs Orleans.
Orleans , take the A71 towards Clermont Ferrand . When you leave the place Vierzon Turnpike and exit onto the A20 direction Limoges . At exit 18 – ” Argenton sur Creuse ” , leave the A20 and go to the end of the exit turn right direction ” Luzerettes ” , from there follow the signs ” Belabre ” . In Belabre follow the signs for ” Mont Morillon ” / ” La Trimouille ” When you reach La Trimouille follow the signs ” Journet ” , then it’s 5 km .

If you have a navigation system can be reached by navigating to Amabilité Journet France , center .
GPS coordinates : N46.46285 / E 0.96718
The address of Amabilité , 4 rue des Artisans is not yet listed in the navigation .
You can find Amabilité on the square opposite the church .


Via NS Hispeed use the Thalys to Paris and from Paris by TGV from Poitiers . On the website of NS Hispeed everything .
You can be picked up at a cost of Poitiers train station .
Want to rent a car we can arrange that for you possibly .


There are no direct flights from the Netherlands to  Poitiers . Airline Ryanair has flights to Poitiers from Great Britain . You will fly with Ryanair from Eindhoven to Stansted near London, where you will board the flight to Poitiers .
Airline Ryanair flies every day from Stansted to Poitiers , so pay you well . From the summer , Ryanair flights to Bordeaux from Netherlands , in Bordeaux , you can then take the TGV to Poitiers .

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